I love character interviews. You get to know the character outside the story and see what makes them tick. Luanna Stewart is my guest today on Books, Chocolate and Wine. She’s brought Heather James, the heroine in her novel, Portrait of a Girl. Tell us a bit about...
Today I’m hosting Kimbra Kasch on Books, Chocolate and Wine. She’ll be telling us all about herself and her writing. How did you come up with the idea for THE CATS OF CULLABY CREEK? The title...
Barbara Meyers is also on Books, Chocolate and Wine today. I challenged her to give us three reasons why she loves to write. Here is what she said. I Can Write The Kind of Books I’d Like To Read Although, to tell the truth, I’ve gotten away from reading romance...
Three tips for finding a writer’s voice A writer’s voice is described as the syntax, the diction, the punctuation, and the grammar you choose to string words together. Oh, but it’s so much more! The definition from above could also describe a writer’s style, which any...
Today’s guest at Books, Chocolate and Wine is Nicole S. Patrick. Nicole and I are New Jersey Romance Writer’s members. She’s one of the most organized people I know. Nicole chaired the 2013 NJRW Conference. She ran a well-oiled machine and had a successful...