Today I have a special edition of Books, Chocolate and Wine. Mu guest today is Krissie Fortune. Her secrets to success? Her experience working for a TV soap opera. Enjoy the interview! What are your favorite scenes in your book: the action, the dialogue, or the...
I got this idea from Kathryn LeVeque who got it from Liliana Hart – this is a fun way to get to know me! 1 -What is your Author name? I write as Ruth A. Casie. 2 – What is the first book you ever published? The first book I wrote was Knight of Runes....
It’s Friday! We’ve been busy this last month reading and writing. I just helped one of the community services I work with and bought school supplies. I can’t believe it’s almost time for school to start. Today, my guest, Lily Raine shares a character interview with...
I hope you had a good weekend. It’s been a scorcher here in the Northeast and great for sitting by the pool or in an air conditioned room reading a good story. Today I’m hosting Barbara Bettis. She’s given us an excerpt from her novel, Silverhawk. Continuing with our...
Today’s Medieval Monday excerpt is about nature. My guest author today, Mary Morgan has given us a delightful scene that lets nature take its course! Enjoy the read. Excerpt: Some of the men and women were already dancing around the fire. She laughed when she spied...
The week is almost over. The summer is whishing past quickly. This week, Sandy Bruney, a longtime friend, is my guest author. Books, Chocolate, and Wine…my favorite three things! Thank you, Ruth, for allowing me to visit today. I am excited to share some good news: my...