Barbara Meyers is also on Books, Chocolate and Wine today. I challenged her to give us three reasons why she loves to write. Here is what she said. I Can Write The Kind of Books I’d Like To Read Although, to tell the truth, I’ve gotten away from reading romance...
It has long been held that the Renaissance began in Florence, Italy in the 14th century mostly because of the social and civic uniqueness of the city at that time. The Renaissance was a cultural movement that saw the rise of literature, science, art, religion,...
This is the same Medieval Monday that features some of the best romance out there but now it’s with a twist. Each week a different author will be featured here with a “themed excerpt.” This month, all the excerpts will be about the hero and heroine’s first kiss....
Three tips for finding a writer’s voice A writer’s voice is described as the syntax, the diction, the punctuation, and the grammar you choose to string words together. Oh, but it’s so much more! The definition from above could also describe a writer’s style, which any...
Welcome to Medieval Monday. Here you’ll find Vikings, Pirates, Knights, Magicians, you can fall in love with. Each week a different author will be featured here with a “themed excerpt.” This month, all the excerpts will be about the hero and heroine’s...
Today’s guest at Books, Chocolate and Wine is Lita Harris. Lita and I are New Jersey Romance Writer’s members. Her stories are about family relationships and more often than not, are filled with magic. She’s answered some questions for you that I know...