When Secrets Entwine: A Regency Tale of Love and Deception In the heart of Regency London, where the whispers of high society intertwine with the shadows of clandestine schemes, two souls find themselves on converging paths, each carrying burdens that threaten to...
A Sneak Peek of the Evening’s Events: In the grand hall of Westerfield Manor… “The shadows whisper secrets tonight. Perhaps together, we’ll uncover truths long buried.” Lady Genevieve glanced at Alexander, mischief in her eyes. With a...
Dear Cherished Readers, The day we’ve all been waiting for has finally arrived! 🎉 I’m beyond thrilled to announce that The Lyon’s Alliance is officially released and ready to sweep you away into the heart of Regency London. Step into the...
Hi Everyone! I’m thrilled to welcome you to the world of The Lyon’s Alliance, my follow-up story to The Lyon’s Gambit, which is part of the Lyon’s Den Connected World. In Regency London, Christina Hartfield, facing financial woes, assists Mrs. Dove-Lyon with...