5 Reasons I Wish I Was a Romance Heroine

by | Nov 6, 2011 | Grand Central Publishing, heroine, Kat Latham, Lauren Plude | 19 comments

I was browsing some of my favorite blogs and the title on this one by Kat Latham caught my attention. She’s not talking about the hunky hot hero. No, she gets down to the real reasons we wish we were romance heroines. Oh, why this picture? There’s just a little part of me that still wants the hunky hero!
Here is her full post.
Many of us romance readers wish we had the same things the heroines we read about get: a beautiful man who adores us, a close community of friends, fantastic sex, and a guaranteed happy ending.
But a tweet from Lauren Plude, editorial assistant at Grand Central Publishing, got me thinking. Lauren wrote: “One of the many reasons I sometimes wish I was a romance heroine–they never seem to have to wait for AM laundry delivery.”
Since I read that while working on a really annoying project, I started thinking about all the little blessings romance heroines have in their lives.
Forget the hot heroes; these are the real reasons I wish I were a romance heroine:
1. They never have to scrub toilets, grout or bathroom caulking.
2. Their hero is always willing to pitch in with dishwashing—often insisting on it without even being asked (unthinkable!).
3. If I were a Harlequin Presents heroine, I could own an art gallery in Sydney without actually having to work hard at managing it while I run around with my billionaire lover.
4. I’d have friends with exactly the skills and experience I’d need to rely on for every problem in my life.
5. Perhaps most importantly, though, nine hours at the office could be glossed over in a paragraph.
What are the little blessings that make you envy romance heroines?

TWO days until the release of Knight of Runes! For a sneak peek ~ here is an


  1. Great list! And #6 Their hunky heroes always know exactly how to please their woman in all the ways that count. Thanks for sharing!

  2. @Veronica Scott

    Ah… the hunky hero known it all! That has to be added to the list. Thanks.

  3. No matter how stupid they act, the hero always thinks they're cute and forgives them. If they refuse to do something the hero tells them to do, he either thinks it's cute or forgives because–wait for it–he thinks they're cute . Thanks for a fun blog on a Sunday morning.

  4. @Mona Karel

    Ah yes, the cute factor. It doesn't work at our house. My hero sees right through that. It never worked with our kids but it's amazing how it works with the grand kids!

    I'm glad you enjoyed the post.

  5. What a fabulous excerpt, Ruth! This is a definite must-read for me. And as for wanting to be a romance heroine, pffft. No way. The angsty tragedies writers put them through would drive me right about the bend! 😀

  6. @Stacy_Gail

    That's what is so great about being a writer, you can put those little darlings through about anything and they still smell sweet, look pretty, and never gain weight!

    I'm so glad you enjoyed the excerpt.

    … Ruth

  7. Fabulous list! I think I'd add that everything gets tied up neatly in a perfectly wrapped package, ideal for those days when nothing goes right.

  8. That's easy, I'd be young and beautiful!

    Bought a Nook
    Bought your book (pre-order)
    Can't wait to read it.

  9. @Jennifer Wilck

    Ah yes, days when nothing goes wrong. What a dream!

    Thanks for leaving a comment.

  10. @Sandy B

    Thanks Sandy. I'm glad you stopped by. Thanks for the pre-order.

  11. @Luci Weston

    OMG Yes!! Stephanie Draven, in a recent blog post asked what mythical character you were like. I told her in the morning I was likened to Medusa and took great caution about looking into the mirror!

    Thanks for stopping by.

  12. I like the idea of being the constant focus of someone – that my every whim and need be satisfied by, yes, a hunky heartthrob. To be sheltered from the world by a ripped chest and muscular arms, but cared for by gentle hands and mesmerized by eyes that melt your insides…oh yeah. I'd like to be romance heroine! And the blurb? Fantastic!

  13. They never seems to have to comb or color their hair! It's always long and flowing!

  14. RE: Last comment by you Ruth… hilarious!!

    Gotta go with the hunky hero…but I also LOVE #5 !! Even though my office is six steps from the kitchen.

    Best of luck with your release!

  15. Number 5. Not that I work in an office, but I've been there, but sometimes just getting through a day at home is as bad. One of those days you wish you had been in a coma until it passed- just skip it to the next great moment in your life. Had a horrendous week? That's all right.

    New paragraph, new week, new character! Wa-la!

    Great smiles on this one Ruth. Thanks.

  16. @Calisa Rhose

    Some days I just want to fast forward – I know exactly how you feel. But with out them, how could I appreciate the great ones?

    I hope this week is a great one!

    … Ruth

  17. @Angi Morgan

    I'm glad you enjoyed the post. Thank you do much for stopping by and for your well wishes.

    … Ruth

  18. I want to be a romance heroine because pesky little things like having enough money to buy groceries or put gas in the car will disappear & I will find myself living in the lap of luxury with a fabulously hot man, who can't keep his hands off me.

  19. @Kathryn Merkel

    Yea, it's the hot guy that gets you all the time *heavy sigh*

    Thanks for leaving a comment.

    … Ruth


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