It’s been a busy week for me. At my office, my project is in full swing with deliverables coming due. I have everything staged to make the June 1 deadlines on the internal communications and marketing materials needed. I’m fortunate. I love what I do.
It’s been a busy week at home too. Paul and I are practicing our cha-cha routine for our ballroom dance exhibition. It’s a group routine with five other couples. We started ballroom dancing in an adult education program in our town when our kids were still at home. It was one way to make certain we spent at least one night together and not running with the kids. We intermittently continued taking classes long after the kids could drive themselves. It’s something else I love to do.
My Mother’s Day celebration was today. I went into Manhattan for the New York RWA chapter’s annual May Luncheon. Our speaker was my good friend, the multi-published, twenty-five books I may add, author Caridad Pineiro. The food was good, the company was terrific, and Caridad was inspirational as always. I walked off out lunch with Caridad and Patt Mihailoff by walking the twenty-six blocks down 8th Avenue to Penn Station and went on back to New Jersey. I enjoyed lunch and renewing my writing battery. Patt and Caridad had both encouraged me to send my ms into Carina Press. They are just two of the writers who have encouraged me. I have found that the romance writing community is a supportive one where the rule of support and paying it forward is really embraced. In an industry where rejection is part of the deal, it’s wonderful to have a positive support network. In many ways, it soothes the pain. I love this too.
When I got home, the day only got better. Flowers for Mother’s Day arrived from my son who lives in Boston and wouldn’t be home. He always says the right thing to tug at my heart. My daughters both live nearby and came over with all the fixing for dinner. Paul had cleaned the deck and readied the grill. The day cooperated and we have a great bar-b-que. I got handmade gifts from the grandbabies (sorry, big girl and big boy), they played in the yard, we watched the Kentucky Derby, and feasted.  As they day wound down and the kids tired, we packed them off home with left overs. I waved good-bye to them with a soft smile. I love tumult and excitement when we all get together.
I remember when I was pregnant with my second child. My daughter how would she love her new sister. I told her all those years ago that her heart was very special. It just grew bigger to make more room for more love. So, dear reader, here is my wish for you this Mother’s Day. May your heart grow with love for you and yours. 


  1. What a lovely post. You are truly blessed not only with beautiful children but dear friends. I have always thought writers are the best kind of friends to have.

    I hope the rest of your days is still magic!! Nice getting to know you today.

  2. @Paisley Kirkpatrick

    I think you're right, writers make wonderful friends. I've met so many who root you on with your successes and help support you through your disappointments.

    I hope you are enjoying your day too. Thanking for visiting with me and please come back again.

  3. What a lovely post! Thank you so much for gifting me with a smile.

  4. @Maeve

    It's a day for warm thoughts and bright smiles. Thank you for stopping by. Have a great day!

  5. I have to say your support has been one of my blessings in this crazy writing world. Sounds like your day went beautifully. Happy rest of Mother's Day.

  6. @Joelene,

    You and the WritingDivas have always been an inspiration to me. From the very start of Eliza's class I knew we had a special connection. I'm so glad we've stayed together.

    Thank you for being there and taking the time to hand out the virtual chocolate when things have not gone well and celebrated even the small successes.

    It's been a beautiful day and I hope yours was too.

  7. Great post – Happy Mother's Day!

  8. @Anonymous

    Hi Marlo (huge wave) –

    Happy Mother's Day to you! I hope you and your boys had a great day.

  9. Ruth,
    Loved the post. Sounds like you've had a great day. Happy Mother's Day!
    Jen Sampson

  10. @Anonymous

    Thanks Jen. I did. I know you did too.

  11. What a lovely post. What could be better than family, friends, a job you enjoy and a husband who dances?

  12. Hi Ruth. Thanks for sharing a busy, very happy post. Glad to hear you had a great day. Good luck with the Carina submission. Jordan

  13. What a beautiful and perfect day Ruthie. Thank you for sharing.

  14. @Jordan K Rose

    Hi! It was an awesome day. It's a beautiful Monday too. Monday's are so much more tolerable when the sun is shining! Enjoy your week and thanks for stopping by.

  15. @Sandy B

    I will admit Mondays are not my favorite day of the week. Weekends are just too short! Have a great week. I'm so glad you enjoyed the post.

  16. @Calisa Rhose

    Hi! Maybe because the weekend is a harbinger of winter being over, the grandkids playing on the back lawn, the grill fired up and watching the Derby. The only thing missing was our son who couldn't get down from Boston.

    And … I even got some writing in and moved past a spot that was hanging me up.

    Have a great week and thanks for taking the time to visit. I love my WritingDivas!

  17. A lovely post on all fronts, Ruth. And your sentiment about the generosity of this community can definitely stand to be reiterated. It warms the heart! Congrats again on the Carina front and I'm happily awaiting your next enjoyable post on your stunning new website blog!

  18. @lisekimhorton

    I'm so glad you enjoyed the post and you are so right. The generosity of this community is awesome. Thanks for your good wishes and know that I treasure your support and friendship.


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