Books, Chocolate and Wine with Elf Ahearn

by | Jan 22, 2016 | Elf Ahearn, horses, Regency Romance | 2 comments

Today’s guest at Books, Chocolate and
Wine is Elf Ahearn. Elf and I are Hudson Valley Romance Writer’s members.
Her stories are about family relationships and more often than not, are filled
with magic. She’s answered some questions for use that I know you’ll find
interesting. She has a cheeky way with words and her romance is… read the
reviews. They say it all.

Why are you bothering my readers with a book you published three years ago?
Here’s the
scoop; I wrote a sleeper titled A Rogue in Sheep’s Clothing that I admit was
published in April 2013. However, instead of dying the natural death of most
works of fiction, the death I fully expected, the book kept selling. Then, just
when it started to dip in the Amazon ratings, that charming mega company bought
the Kindle rights for its Encore series. Consequently, there have been more sales—about
200 a month on average since the sale in June. This glorious month of January,
Amazon has taken things a step further and launched a promotion! Now A Rogue in
Sheep’s Clothing has been listing in the top 50 historical/romance/Victorian
novels, which is a shock since it takes place during the Regency. But who am I
to look a gift amazon in the mouth?
So what makes this book so rootin’ tootin’ special, huh? Got an explanation,
Honestly, I
think people are still buying because the book is not your grandmother’s
Regency romance. It’s funny, yet dark, sexy, yet not erotic and it’s got
suspense, suspense, suspense.
Plot driven or character driven? Pick one fast!
It’s both,
it’s both! I read a ton of everything—literary novels, romances, magazines,
newspapers, unwanted junk mail, cereal boxes—you name it, I read it. But the
one thing I didn’t want to write about was a depressed woman who stares out the
window and can’t figure out what went wrong in her life. Romance offers the perfect
venue for adventure and character. To take the adventure as far away from
window staring as possible, I plunged my heroine, Ellie Albright of A Rogue in
Sheep’s Clothing into all kinds of trouble—some of it caused by her willful
personality and some of it caused by a few villainous blackguards.
Regency romance with a Gothic twist.
Lord Hugh Davenport’s opinion, women of the ton perpetually hide behind a mask
of deception. That’s hard for Ellie Albright, the daughter of an earl, to
swallow—especially since she’s disguised herself as a stable hand to get back
the prized stallion her father sold to Hugh to pay a debt. If Hugh learns her
true identity she’ll lose the horse and her family will go bankrupt. Somehow,
though, losing Hugh’s affection is beginning to seem even worse.
only a step away from being snagged in her own web of lies, Ellie’s deceit
threatens to spin out of control when Hugh’s mother invites Ellie and her
sisters to a house party. Now Ellie has to scramble to keep Hugh from knowing
she’s the stable girl he wants to marry, while simultaneously trying to win his
trust as herself. Can she keep her costumes straight long enough to save her
family? And even if she does, will it be worth losing his love?
It feels like I haven’t read a great historical
romance novel in ages. I’m so glad I read this book, especially since it’s not
the typical historical romance…  There
were moments when I laughed, cringed, was worried and anxious. There were
almost moments when I needed to fan myself, because they were so hot! I read
this book in no time.
I loved it, the storyline was exciting and had
all the things I like in a book…horses, romance and old fashioned buildings!!
A great equine story with lots of surprises and
unexpected romance subtly written in. You’ll find this book a real page Turner!
This book was a fast read and I loved the
What great fun to read – the dialogues are
catchy – never a dull moment – in this less than typical regency – still the
love story and the setting puts you right where I think Elf Ahearn wants you to
go with her. I’m all in, and waiting for the next to be available on kindle.
I loved this book and I didn’t want to put it
Buy Link:  Amazon
Ellie eyed the
splattered front of her gown. “Now look what you’ve done. I’m a mess.”
The beast
yanked a crumpled handkerchief from his pocket. “Use this,” he said,
accidentally brushing her breast.
Ellie shied
from his touch. “My Heavens, sir, cease and desist! Now, give me your
handkerchief, slowly.” As she took the linen square, her hand halted in mid
air. The sour look she intended for her assailant melted. La, what a handsome man. And then she realized she’d seen him before,
but where? Dark eyes, nearly black, met her own, a hooked curl bisected his
forehead, meeting the edge of a scar that crossed the ruddy crest of his right
I’m staring. Quickly she pretended to swab a spot of wine at her
waist. Her breath went shallow and her thoughts scattered, but a smile tipped
the corners of her lips. She’d had the great good fortune to be trod upon by
one of Devon’s most elusive bachelors, Hugh Davenport, Earl of Bruxburton – one
of the few gentlemen who’d failed to call at Fairland. A pulse of pain reminded
her of her foot. “I … I think I need to sit down,” she told him.
“Ah yes…” said
Hugh, looking for an empty chair.
Putting the
tiniest bit of weight down, Ellie received a powerful jolt. “I’m afraid I’ll not
be dancing again this evening.”
Hugh’s back
straightened and a hard look seeped into his eyes. Is he annoyed? she wondered.
“Well, there
must be a chair here somewhere.” He moved off on the hunt.
Ellie took a
few limping steps after him. “I’ll need your assistance.” He came back and eyed
her suspiciously. “Your arm, in fact,” she told him.
His lips
hardened, but he looped her arm through his. As they passed a row of seated
grande dams, every eye watched with envy.
At an alcove,
Hugh stopped to let her pass. “In here,” he said.
“I can’t go in
there alone with you.”
“Did you see a
free chair on the floor?” he said. “Because what I saw was a row of plump sugar
plums, and none of them likely to abandon her seat.”
“People will
say I’ve been compromised.”
“Nonsense. I
couldn’t possibly compromise anyone in an alcove shielded by a simple palm
tree. A young lady compromised in such a manner either wants to be or wants to
pretend she was. Which one are you?”
Elf Ahearn:
Elf Ahearn, yes that is her real name – lives
in New York with her wonderful husband and a pesky (yet irresistible) cat.
Learn more about her at or friend her on Facebook.


  1. Hey Catherine, I'm so glad you liked it, and you're a peach for reading the whole thing!


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