Books, Chocolate and Wine with Mary Morgan

by | Sep 9, 2016 | fantasy, Historical romance, Knights, Mary Morgan, Medieval | 2 comments

My guest today on Books, Chocolate and Wine is author Mary Morgan. She’s answered ten provocative questions about her book, Dragon Knight’s Ring and writing. She’s included a great book trailer at the end of the post!

How did you come up with the idea for
Dragon Knight’s Ring?
Dragon Knight’s Ring was the fifth and final book
in my series, Order of the Dragon Knights. For several years, I didn’t know the
identity of the fifth Dragon Knight.
suddenly appeared in the fourth book, and I remember shouting, “You’re the last
Dragon Knight!” Each of my books has a central theme and at the core a relic
for each of the Dragon Knights. I wanted to tie in the heroine and hero with
something symbolic and thought Ring
would fit. And it worked out fabulously!
2. How long did it take you to
write Dragon Knight’s Ring?
Six months. Since this was the
final book, I spent seven days a week pouring out my soul into this story.
3. How much research did you
conduct for Dragon Knight’s Ring and what was the most
interesting thing you did while conducting your research?
The hero, Adam MacFhearguis
left Scotland and fought in the Crusades. I read and studied maps of the
time-period, which were fascinating. Adam’s guest was to be a pilgrimage, but
in the end, he found more bloodshed and violence. He returned home more scarred
than when he left.  
4. Why did you decide to write
paranormal romance?
I have a fascination with
history, mythology, and fantasy. What better way than to combine them all and
create my own world. 
5. When you are writing, who
is in control? You or your characters?
I always think I’m the one in control, but once the
writing starts—look out world. They (my characters) take over the story.
6. What advice do you have for
other writers?
If you believe in your story,
don’t let anyone discourage you. A dream is a wish your heart makes, so don’t
give up! 
7. What books
can we expect to see in the near future?
I’ve just
wrapped everything on a holiday romance called, A Magical Highland Solstice. The hero is a secondary character from
the Order of the Dragon Knights. I truly felt he needed his own story. It’s a
time-travel romance, and I had so much fun writing this book. The cover is
spectacular, and I should hear about a release date soon. 
8. What was
the defining moment that you considered yourself an author?
This might
sound strange, but when I received my first rejection letter. I shouted, “I’m
acknowledged!” Of course, I cried for several moments, and then submitted to
fifteen publishers that day. I wasn’t going to give up. I believed I was
walking toward the right “fit” for a publisher.
9. What’s your favorite place
in the world to visit?
Scotland! Take me home…
10. What is your favorite
“No one can make you feel inferior
without your consent.” –Eleanor Roosevelt

Death destroyed their
love. Yet, can a trio of Fenian warriors roll back time to reunite two lost
Crusader, Adam
MacFhearguis is on one last quest to the standing stones in Scotland where he
seeks to bury the past. However, a silent prayer sends him to an unknown future
and to his beloved Meggie. When he uncovers a shocking revelation, Adam
questions everything about the woman he thought he knew and loved. He may have
traveled the veil of ages, but time is now his enemy.
Margaret MacKay lives a
life in the future without the memories of her past—her death. When Adam
arrives at her door confessing he knows her, she is confused and wary. With
each passing day, she yearns to learn more from this stranger. Yet, when a
truth is revealed, can she trust the man to unlock the chains from her mind and
Will love free the bonds
to unite the two lovers who were doomed centuries ago? Or will evil finally
claim victory over the Dragon Knights?

Meggie brushed her fingers over the leather pouch. “It feels
“Are you not tempted to take a wee look inside?”
She snatched her hand back. “I’m not peering inside the
man’s belongings. As soon as he wakes, he and his horse can leave.” Giving the
horse a firm pat, Meggie walked out of the stall and away from her smirking
cousin—only to run smack into her other cousin, Lena.
“Blast,” snapped Meggie, grabbing her cousin by the arm to
help steady them both. “Sorry, didn’t see ye,” Seeing the excitement in Lena’s
eyes, she stepped back. “What?”
“I hear you have a Highlander in the guest room,” she
replied, giving Meggie a wink. “Are you going to share?”
Meggie placed her hands on her hips. “He’s not my Highlander. Feel free to have him,
though as soon as he wakes he’s gone from here.”
Lucas strode out of the stables, wiping his hand on a cloth.
“I think I’ll go introduce myself, since I think this man bothers you. You keep
stating he must leave as soon as he wakes.”
Lena pushed her cousin aside. “No, Lucas. I will go check on
“Ye are both crazy,” protested Meggie. “He’s just a man.”
Stepping past them both, she marched away from the stables.
Approaching the entrance of the castle, her nerves tingled
and the air cooled. Halting on the gravel courtyard, she slowly glanced up at the
guest bedroom window.
Gazing down at her
was the dark Highlander. His hands were braced on either side of the glass, and
Meggie could swear for an instant, she recognized him from somewhere. A dream, perhaps? The look he gave her
pierced her soul, and she shivered.
“Impossible,” she
muttered. “I don’t dream. And ye are leaving now.”
Breaking from his stare,
Meggie entered the castle, almost running up the stairs. By the time she
reached the guest room, her hands were shaking. Not even bothering to knock,
she pushed open the door and stormed inside.
Her mouth became dry,
unable to form the words to order this giant out of her home. His bulk blocked
the light from the window as he leaned against the ledge staring at her. She
was not one prone to swoon at men—any man, but this one made her a jumbled
mess. Moving to the table, she picked up his sword and took it over to him. His
eyes widened as she approached and she fell into their dark blue depths. 
“I…um…” she stammered
before continuing. “Ye should leave.” There,
she got the words out.
Instead of reaching for
his sword, the man lifted two fingers and caressed her cheek. She gasped, the
touch searing her skin, and she took a step back. She could see the look of
shock pass over his features, as if he felt the same reaction.
Meggie shoved the sword
into his arms and ran for the door. Yet, when her hand touched the handle, she
heard him speak.
“Dinnae leave me again, Meggie.”
Book Trailer:

Buy Links: 
Scottish paranormal romance author, Mary Morgan
resides in Northern California, with her own knight in shining armor. However,
during her travels to Scotland, England, and Ireland, she left a part of her
soul in one of these countries and vows to return.

Mary’s passion for books started at an early
age along with an overactive imagination. She spent far too much time
daydreaming and was told quite often to remove her head from the clouds. It wasn’t
until the closure of Borders Books where Mary worked that she found her true
calling–writing romance. Now, the worlds she created in her mind are coming to
life within her stories.
You can
find more information about Mary Morgan here:


  1. Thanks so much for hosting me and Dragon Knight's Ring, Ruth! 🙂


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