We have a real treat today, we are part of the release day happenings we have an interview (with a giveaway) with fellow Carina Press author Reese Ryan. Her book, Making the First Move, releases today, July 22.

Tell us about Making the First Move.
It’s a friends-to-lovers contemporary romance about two
people struggling with the past in a way that jeopardizes their futures—as
individuals and as a couple. Melanie Gordon has spent the past several years throwing
herself into her work after the death of her father and a devastating  breakup. 
As a result, she excels in her career, but her romantic life and her family
relationships suffer. Raine Mason is a sexy, selfless philanthropist with a
passion for his cause. But the dark secret he’s harboring threatens to destroy
his chance of finding happiness with Melanie.
Tell us how you build
your characters? Do you write character bios? Cast the characters?
The situation that forms a loose plot usually comes to me
first. Then I start to envision the kind of character who would be in this
situation. Ideally I’d like to do a character sketch first, but I never do. I
need to begin writing the story so I get to know the character a little. For
this book I then went on to create a detailed character chart for Raine and
Melanie. It helped me understand who they were and how they’d react in a given
situation. However, for the related book which will be released in December I
followed Cherry Adair’s advice about picking a birthday for the character and
then creating a personality chart based on it. That worked really well and I
plan to use that method going forward.
Are you a plotter or
a panster?
I once thought I was a pure pantser. But after listening to
an interview with author Kimberla Lawson Roby I decided to give outlining a
try. I’ve discovered that I’m a little plotter, a little pantser. I need the
structure of a loose outline or synopsis, but the freedom to break the rules
whenever I—or the characters—see fit. The hybrid approach works best for me.
What attracted you to
writing contemporary romance? 
I write romantic fiction because I’m a hopeless romantic and
I enjoy going along for the journey as two characters fall in love. I write
contemporary fiction because if I started researching clothing, food, and
furniture from past centuries or imagining future worlds I’d probably never get
around to actually writing the story.
What are your
favorite scenes to write?
I enjoy writing the witty banter between the hero and
heroine. As a reader, I need to feel the attraction before I can buy into it.
So I enjoy creating the slow seduction. 
As a fan of Jane Austen and Louisa May Alcott, I also really enjoy
creating crazy family dynamics.
What do you want your
readers to take away with them after reading the story?
Two things. First, don’t be afraid to re-examine your goals
to see if they are really what you want, rather than what you think you should. Second, forgiveness is
powerful salve which we often deny ourselves. Don’t. Without it we can’t truly move
forward. Learn the lessons of the past. Make amends. Allow that knowledge to
guide future actions.
Do you have any words
of advice or encouragement for aspiring authors?
Despite all of the changes in publishing, this is a time of
tremendous opportunity for authors. But no matter which route you decide to
take—traditional, e-first, self-publishing—learn as much as you can. Continue
to improve your craft. Put out the best possible product.
What are you working
on next?
I just completed a related book featuring the best friend
character in Making the First Move—Jamie
Charles. Both books are standalones, but Jamie’s story—tentatively titled Love Me Not—actually takes place prior
to this one. We get to watch her and her love interest—Miles Copeland—fall in
love and we delve more deeply into her troubled past.  Jamie is a much different character. Darker,
grittier. So it’s a much edgier book though it’s also funny and the romance
between them is touching. It was wonderful getting into her and Miles’s heads
and helping them reach their happy ending.
Do you have an ebook
reader? If so, which one?
I was originally one of those diehards that proclaimed I’d
never own an e-reader. But then I got an Android phone and started using the
Kindle app. I was hooked. This past Christmas I received a Kindle Fire HD and
the number of books I’ve read since then has increased dramatically. I LOVE my
Tell us a little
about the state/country you live in.
I’m a native Ohioan, but four years ago my family moved to
Central North Carolina. We absolutely love living here and enjoy the friendly
folks and lush greenery. We spend a lot of time lounging by the pool, walking
or biking the greenways, or kayaking. But Cleveland is still definitely home
and most of my stories are set there. However, expect to see a few stories in
the near future set here in North Carolina.
What are you reading
Sexcapades by
fellow Carina Press author, Christine d’Abo and The Man in 3B by Carl Weber—which is the first print book I’ve read
in a while.
What is your favorite
There are two quotes I really love. “Be the change you want
to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi.

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” –
Arthur Ashe.
Where can you find Making the First Move
Making the First Move is available at Carina Press, Amazon, Barnes&Nobel, and Audible

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Reese Ryan writes sexy, contemporary romance featuring a
multicultural cast of flawed, but lovable characters. She secretly enjoys
torturing her heroines with family and career drama, reformed bad boys,
revealed secrets, and the occasional identity crisis, but always rewards them
with supportive girlfriends and a happily ever after.
An avid reader, Reese’s to-be-read stack resembles a small
skyscraper. She adores brilliant singer/songwriters, and has an incurable
addiction to musicals and movie soundtracks. A native Ohioan, she currently
resides in Central North Carolina with her husband and young adult son who
tolerate her propensity to sing and dance badly. Visit Reese online at
ReeseRyan.com Reese’s BlogTwitter, Facebook, and Goodreads


  1. Congratluations, Reese, on your debut novel. Already bought the book.

    Also nice interview, Ruth. I'm thrilled to see so much support for Reese around the blogosphere.

  2. Thanks, Ruth! It's always fun to talk about character development, and to discover the processes other writers use.


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