Medieval Monday Blog Hop – Lane McFarland

by | Feb 20, 2017 | Lane McFarland, Medieval Monday Blog Hop, romance, villain | 3 comments

Excerpt Three
LINDSEY by Lane McFarland
 She could do this.
As a messenger who routinely
delivered missives behind enemy lines for the rebellion, she should be used to
danger, but she rarely found herself in such an unsavory position. Aye, she
could outrun and outmaneuver any man on horseback, but this assignment was
different. Hamish, a rebel leader, had given explicit orders to convey a
message to the Scots’ commander and leave, but she had not counted upon
learning of Logan’s capture.
Her friend needed her.
Swallowing hard, she
continued her plunge into purgatory. Upon reaching the bottom step, she hunched
her shoulders and shuffled toward the menacing group. Grit crunched beneath her
feet and stagnant water soaked the hem of her overly large gown. More tormented
howls reverberated through the thick dungeon walls. Her body quaked as she
fought to retain composure and pretend the wails did not affect her.
Follow along
next week on Cathy MacRae’s blog with excerpt #4
Back Cover Copy:
Daughters of Alastair MacDougall Series
in late thirteenth century Scotland, this series tells the stories of Laird
Alastair MacDougall’s four independent and oftentimes, headstrong daughters
coming of age in a country fraught with war and feuds amongst rival clans.
Follow his daughters as their lives become intertwined with four fierce, rebel
highland warriors bent on eradicating the English soldiers from their homeland.
said life was fair? Certainly not Lindsey MacDougall. She rebels at a world
dominated by men. Dressed in lad’s clothing, she manages her father’s stables,
caring for, breeding and selling horses. Unwavering on performing her duty to
the rebellion, Lindsey throws caution to the wind and secretly delivers
missives behind enemy lines to the Scottish warriors.
Ross uses his happy-go-lucky smile to warm the hearts of many willing lasses,
but it also masks his pain—the pain of his birth. As a bastard son, he is
unacceptable for any Laird’s daughter, including the spirited Lindsey
MacDougall. However, she haunts his dreams. Determined to prove his worth, he
throws himself into the middle of the rebellion, leading men into mortal
helping Logan escape from a brutal English dungeon, Lindsey fights her
traitorous attraction to the virile highland warrior, vowing never to lose her
heart to any man. 
But Links: AMAZON


  1. Thank you for hosting me on your beautiful website, Ruth!

  2. Hi, thank you for your interestinformation post! I so enjoy Medieval Romance.

  3. April, I'm so glad you enjoy reading Medieval Romances. I LOVE writing them! Have a great week.


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