Medieval Monday Blog Hop – Mary Morgan

by | Apr 3, 2017 | Mary Morgan, Medieval Monday Blog Hop, romance | 2 comments

Excerpt Nine – DRAGON’S KNIGHT SHIELD by Mary Morgan

Honor. The very word seeped into his being,
and Angus realized he would risk everything to defend Deirdre. Give his life
for his woman. He did not save Meggie. But he could save another. He would not
let Deirdre’s life perish. A flash of light glinted from the torches and
glancing to his left, he saw his shield within his grasp.

Only one choice was left to Angus and it stared back
at him from the ground. “Do ye not want to possess the shield, Lachlan? ’Tis
yours to command.”

Follow along
next week by checking out Cathy MacRae’s blog with my excerpt #10 bobs-author- blog

Back Cover Copy:

Angus MacKay, leader of the Dragon Knights, failed
his brothers and his clan upon the death of his sister. Now he must fight the
darkness of despair tempting his soul. Back on Scottish soil, he comes face to
face with Deirdre who can wield a sword as mightily as his warriors, and takes
her captive. Yet, with each passing day, the fire dragon inside him roars to
claim the one woman fate has destined for him.

Famed mystery writer, Deirdre Flanagan, is
unprepared for the next chapter in her life. On a vacation to Scotland, she
steps through the mists and enters into a skirmish alongside a Highlander.
However, the fight has only begun, and now she must battle Angus as well as
evil in order to claim the love of this Dragon Knight.

Will their love be powerful enough to shield them
from danger, or burn them to ashes?

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  1. Thanks for hosting me on Medieval Monday, Ruth!


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