Medieval Monday – The Saxon Bride by Ashley York

by | Dec 7, 2015 | celebration, Christmas, holiday, Medieval, romance | 3 comments

This is the same Medieval Monday that features some of the best romance out there but now it’s with a twist. Each week a different author will be featured here with a “themed excerpt.” This month, all the excerpts will be about a celebration for the holidays. Today’s guest is Ashley York. You’re going to love this excerpt. Enjoy!

Back Cover Copy

In war torn England the battle lines between Saxon and Norman are clearly drawn. The Saxons must fight for everything they have in the hopes of winning their country back from the Normans who are determined to break their resistance. 
Rowena Godwinson, the sole remaining member of the defeated royal family, stands proudly against the Normans that would trample them underfoot. Her nobility and grace, however, make her an ideal pawn in King William’s play for power with the Saxon people. When he decrees she marry a powerful Norman knight, her subjugation appears to be complete. Can she hold firm to her Saxon heritage and refuse to give in to his tempting advances? 
John of Normandy wants only to prove himself worthy of the king’s trust. He is rewarded for his service and loyalty with land, titles and a Saxon beauty for a bride. John balks at the marriage, driven by the secret guilt of knowing Rowena’s father died at his sword. 
As their people look to them for guidance and peace, can John and Rowena find a love strong enough to unite all of England? 
Buy Links: Amazon  iTunes  Kobo  B&N
       Her response to his looks was
quite disconcerting. She cleared her throat.”How do you find your manor
after your long absence, my lord?”
John eyebrows shot up. She hadn’t
meant to find fault…or maybe she did.
“I was taken aback to find
you do not care for the stores and such. Is there a reason you refuse to act as
is your right as my wife?”
Her mouth opened slightly at the
lie. “My lord, I have been given no such leave. Your king replaced me as
chatelaine on his first visit here.”
John searched her face before
correcting her. “Our king.”
“Yes.” Rowena dropped
her gaze. A slip of the tongue.
“You would accept this
position then?”
She looked up but hesitated, not
wanting to overstep her bounds. “It would give me great pleasure to be in
charge of the running of the castle.”
“Then run it you
Rowena nibbled at her lip to hide
her smile. Since the Normans had come, no one obeyed her unless they wanted to.
The king had never come to meet with her but instead with those he had put in
charge of her. Now John was giving her back her rightful place. Things were
progressing better than she had hoped.
The young girl, Sarah, had
replaced Ruth and was in front of the table offering a basket of almond-stuffed
dates dripping with honey. Rowena returned her genuine smile. She was a lovely
child. Serving the lord and lady was a big responsibility.
Offering the sweets to the new
lord, Sarah’s face fell as he declined with a shake of his hand.
“Oh, yes, please.”
Rowena hurriedly accepted the sweet. Sarah beamed in appreciation and moved on
to the next table.
Rowena put the treat to her mouth
and took a small bite. The honey smeared her lips. Quickly, John was leaning
toward her, pulling her close. He licked her lips before kissing her. He was so
tender that she was moved by the gesture and leaned into him, wanting the kiss
to continue.
The burst of applause from those
present in the hall surprised Rowena. She smiled in answer when they separated
at last. Not all present looked happy with their display of affection. Noticing
John had not yet moved away, she realized he was waiting for another kiss. She
kissed him chastely. He frowned but pulled back.
The young man on her left caught
her eye. He sat against the wall, his clay whistle on his lap. He had a small
smile and looked at her expectantly. It was Cedric, the performer. Too shy to
come to the table himself, he was apparently hoping Rowena would intervene on
his behalf. She did not disappoint. Trying not to smile at his bashfulness, she
turned back toward John.
“My lord…” Catching him
unguarded, she was taken aback by the look of sadness she saw there. It passed
so quickly, she wondered if she had imagined it.
“My lady?”
A ripple of delight washed over
her at the title. She glanced away to hide her pleasure.
“Our performer tonight is a
bit shy and hoping you would enjoy hearing his songs,” she said. “He
is very good. Will you address him?”
She tipped her head slightly
indicating the man.
“Please.” John smiled
warmly at the performer and stood, facing those in hall. “Friends and
visitors, let us rejoice in the blessing of music that God has given us by
listening to…” realizing he didn’t know the man’s name, his composure fell
slightly and he looked to Rowena to complete the introduction.
“Cedric.” John lifted
his cup.
Applause broke out with murmurs
of excitement as the man stepped into the middle of the hall. A sudden hush
fell like a blanket over the hall in anticipation of the entertainment as
Cedric produced one long note from his whistle then cleared his throat. No
longer the shy young man, he took over the music with confidence, having
nothing more than his voice and a whistle.
Lifting his strong, clear voice,
he told the story of the fallen soldier. He had been killed by an arrow and
left to die alone by his companions. While he suffered the inevitable, it was a
fallow deer that came to be with him. The story was enchanting and one of
Rowena’s favorites. She brushed away a tear and clapped enthusiastically. Cedric
blushed as he bowed low. Next taking up his whistle, the pleasant music
increased the peaceful mood that fell over the hushed crowd.
John wiped at her cheek, his
touch light. “That song brought tears?”
Rowena dipped her head, shrugging
a shoulder. “I think it is a lovely story. ‘Tis all.”
“Ah, my wife has great
sentiment.” He took her hand in his. “I will remember that.”


  1. Yay, you're tempting us with The Saxon Bride today. What a story! I so enjoyed it!

  2. What a beautiful excerpt, Ashley! I didn't want it to end!


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