Medieval Monday with Jenna Jaxon

by | Apr 26, 2021 | Jenna Jaxon, medievalromance, romance | 3 comments


Welcome back to Medieval Monday! This is week twelve of the
new round of authors, snippets, and fun. Our spring theme is the first kiss.
Today I am hosting Jenna Jaxon and her terrific story, Betrayal.

(For easy access to authors taking part in this round of Medieval
Monday tales, visit the Medieval Romance Lovers Facebook page. Authors will
post their blog links there.  You can
also find us on Twitter at #MedMonSpring21.)

Let me catch you up. After learning that her beloved Geoffrey has
been forced to marry another woman, Alyse is talking to Geoffrey’s best friend,
Thomas, about her best option going forward—marriage to him. Thomas will not
force her, but at this point has convinced her to accept his proposal. Excerpt
#11 left us brushing his lips against hers. With all that is holy, I must know
what happens next!

Excerpt #12

She relaxed further. Then he pressed against her and flicked his
tongue over her closed mouth. Startled at this audacity, Alyse drew a breath
and opened her lips. He pressed his advantage at the invitation, sliding his
tongue boldly into her mouth.

As if a cup of cold water had been dashed on her face, the initial
pleasure of his caresses fled. She pushed away from him, wiping her hand over
her mouth. He must have expected such a reaction, for he withdrew from her without
protest. He placed a brief kiss on her cheek and moved his hands to clasp hers.

Last week’s snippet on Cathy MacRae’s blog:

Follow along next week on Sherry Ewing’s blog here:



Time Enough to Love,
Book 2

By Jenna Jaxon

The worst betrayals come from within.

After a night of passion with her betrothed, Sir
Geoffrey Longford, Lady Alyse de Courcy is eagerly looking forward to her
wedding. But when Geoffrey is forced to marry another, a heartbroken and
possibly pregnant Alyse finds herself in her own private hell. She must either
gamble with her reputation or marry someone she does not love.

A reputed connoisseur of women, Thomas, Lord
Braeton, has dallied with many ladies of King Edward’s court, although he has
favored none. However, as Geoffrey’s best friend, Thomas has sworn to serve and
protect Alyse, an oath now sorely tested when he agrees to marry her—in name
only—to guard her reputation. Yet, as they grow closer, and Thomas discovers
Alyse’s sweet but spirited nature, he comes to desire a marriage in

Can he overcome her memory of Geoffrey, or is
Thomas doomed to burn with passion for a woman he can never possess?

Buy Links:



B & N:





  1. Wonderful snippet! Happy Medieval Monday!

  2. She's still struggling with herself, but she'll come around! This is so good! Happy Medieval Monday, ladies!

  3. Great snippet!! Wishing you the best, Jenna 😉 Happy week!


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