Medieval Monday with Mary Morgan – Excerpt #10

by | Aug 26, 2019 | Mary Morgan, Medieval Monday, romance | 12 comments

Welcome to Medieval Monday. Mary Morgan is our guest author today.
Magic and monsters fill this story. Can Adam protect Meggie and defeat the evil Lachlan?

Excerpt #10

She glanced at her brothers, each holding up their relic: Angus’s shield, Duncan’s sword, Stephen’s medallion, and Alastair’s axe.

Angus’s voice bellowed. “From the land of the Ancients. From the stars of the Fae. We, the Dragon Knights from the Order, keepers of the fire, storm, water, and land dragons, open the gate and call forth the beasts!”

The Earth trembled with a power the world had never seen before. Her brothers’ eyes mirrored the energy. It gathered, grew, and finally with a deafening roar, four dragons burst forth in a blinding light from their relics, scorching a trail in the inky blackness. Their tails twisted and snapped. She could hear the flapping of wings and gnashing of teeth. Fire burst free from all of them.

Follow along next week on Mary Morgan’s blog and leave a comment for a chance to win a signed print copy of Dragon Knight’s Ring.

DRAGON KNIGHT’S RING, Order of the Dragon Knights, Book 5
Crusader, Adam MacFhearguis is on one last quest to the standing stones in Scotland where he seeks to bury the past. However, a silent prayer sends him to an unknown future and to his beloved Meggie. When he uncovers a shocking revelation, Adam questions everything about the woman he thought he knew and loved. He may have traveled the veil of ages, but time is now his enemy. 

Margaret MacKay lives a life in the future without the memories of her past—her death. When Adam arrives at her door confessing he knows her, she is confused and wary. With each passing day, she yearns to learn more from this stranger. Yet, when a truth is revealed, can she trust the man to unlock the chains from her mind and heart?

Will love free the bonds to unite the two lovers who were doomed centuries ago? Or will evil finally claim victory over the Dragon Knights? 

Buy Links: 


  1. Another great excerpt! Thank you for sharing. Sounds like an awesome read.

  2. Happy Medieval Monday, Mary. I don't know anyone who does medieval better than you.

  3. Who let the dragons out???
    Angus , did that's Who!
    Want this book …ahh heck!Let's be honest here! I want all of them !!!
    Thanks for sharing !! Live it and all the other as we've had pleasure to read!

  4. And I can't type today either…lol
    Its all this excitement and fisty cuffs!!

  5. OMG! Thank you, Sandra! Hugs!

  6. About time those dragons were released, aye? Blowing kisses your way, Cyndi!


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