New Beginnings

by | Jun 5, 2013 | beginning, retire, romance, writing | 19 comments

I had to write a business letter this past week that was very difficult. I had the assignment for a few months and kept putting it off but I learned a long time ago procrastinating would not make the requirement go away, just shorten the deadline.

I finally got it done at the eleventh hour. I had decided to keep it short and the tone pleasant.
Hi –
For someone who has started a writing career, starting this message has been somewhat difficult. I almost didn’t write it at all. I thought I would turn in my ID, computer, and simply go home. Those who knew my plan threatened to write my good-bye for me so rather than be at their mercy I decided to do it myself.

This Saturday will be my first day as a retiree. How do I thank each of you? My responsibilities have been diverse and you, my colleagues and friends, have always been close. Even when we haven’t spoken for a while, a quick call is all it takes to get back into that comfortable place. We’ve talked about our plans, our kids, our travels and yes, even work.

Over the last few years I’ve been writing historical fantasy stories — well, historical fantasy romance to be exact. I write stories filled with adventure and romance about women awakening into their power and the men that deserve them. My first book was published November, 2011 and did well. My next book will release this July 1. My publisher, Harlequin’s digital imprint, Carina Press, has requested follow up stories to both books. More projects and more deadlines! It is an exciting time with new goals and so many things to learn.

My writing friends gave me a license plate cover that says NY Times Best Selling Author in Training. I hope to make that a reality rather than just a dream!

Please keep in touch even if it is only the occasional hello. You can reach me at or at my website

I sent the message out late Wednesday night to almost 100 friends and colleagues at JPMorganChase where I’ve worked for over 25 years. I was astonished that I spent all day Thursday answering emails and phone calls. They said if I put half the passion into my writing that I did into my work at JPMC I had to be a success.

I loved my job but it was time to leave. Its a wonderful feeling knowing that I’m not retiring from, but rather retiring to a new beginning.


  1. Oh my heck, lady, just like your books, this made me cry. I, selfishly, am glad you're going to have more time to put into creating more beautiful stories, but also know this wasn't an easy decision. Your colleagues will miss you, however will be lucky enough to say one day very soon "I knew her when…"

  2. @David Bridger

    Thanks for the good wishes.

  3. @Harley Brooks

    It was a hard message to write and the response from my friends are keeping me busy. I never knew how being kind, considerate, and genuinely interested really touched them.

    Thanks for taking time to leave a comment and for your good wishes.

    Hugs and kisses,

  4. It's hard to say goodbye. But just remember you're embarking on a new and exciting career and life. All the best!

  5. Congratulations on the switch to full time writing, Ruth! I'm certain you will enjoy it!

  6. @Jana Richards
    @Vonda Sinclair

    Thank you both for your good wishes. The stress level is down and the music is playing gently in the background. Ah!

  7. Congratulations! I hope it'll be an awesome new direction for your life. 🙂

  8. @Angela Korra'ti

    Thanks for your good wishes. I'm hoping on awesome too!

  9. Fantastic! that you can retire and for the bright future your writing is holding 🙂 Best wishes on this new step. Barb Bettis

  10. I retired a couple years ago, and know how you feel. Give it time, and you will discover how wonderful it is. You've given a life time to others, now it's your turn. Write those best sellers, and never look back.

  11. What a happy post! I was a little worried when I clicked the link not knowing what to expect, but I'm glad I did. So excited for you to start this new chapter of your life, and good luck being a full time writer!


  12. Good luck. I hope you enjoy every minute!

  13. Here's to your new beginning, Ruth! Luckily, you've got quite a good head start on it! : )
    Jenna Blue

  14. @Barbara
    @DT Krippene
    @Melinda B. Pierce
    @Liz Flaherty

    Thank you for all your good wishes and encouragement. It means a lot to me.

  15. Exciting times ahead! Congrats Ruth~

  16. Fresh starts are what define us as strong women! You are a fabulous example of a true New Beginning! Love yah!

  17. @Priscilla Rodriguez

    I've always thought of change as opportunity. That said, I still get up in the morning thinking I've got to get online and check my office email. Old habits just die hard!

    See you next week.

  18. @Jennifer

    Thanks so much for your good wishes!


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