Summer Vacation

by | Aug 21, 2011 | hooks, opening lines | 12 comments

The end of summer is quickly approaching. I had so many books, none of them were about craft, I was looking forward to reading but one thing lead to another and, well my to be read pile is towering next to my desk. I have one last chance. We go on vacation to the beach next week. Perhaps I can laze by the pool or on the beach and read, read, read. What do you do on vacation?

Several people guessed the authors and titles of the opening lines I posted last week. I hope you enjoyed the challenge. Did you guess which one was mine? 

1.    “As their elegant traveling chaise rocked and swayed along the rutted country road, Lady Anne Gilbert leaned her cheek against her husband’s shoulder and heaved a long, impatient sigh.”

     Whitney, My Love by Judith McNaught
2.    “How does a person reenter a life she left behind years earlier?”
     Summer of Roses by Luanne Rice
3.    “It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.”
     Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
4.    “It wasn’t a very likely place for disappearances, at least not at first glance.”
     Outlander by Diane Gabaldon
5.    “The noon whistle blew and the saws stopped whining.”
     Morning Glory by LaVyrle Spencer
6.    I should not have stayed away from the Manor so long. Something stirs.”
     Knight of Runes by Ruth A. Casie
7.    “Who am I? And how, I wonder, will this story end?”
     The Notebook by Nicolas Sparks
8.    “Douglas Montgomery sat in the back seat of the rental car, Robert and his pudgy thirteen-year-old daughter, Gloria, in the front.”
     Knight in Shining Armor by Jude Deveraux
9.    “Cam called in markers, pulled strings, begged favors and threw money around in a dozen directions.”
     Sea Swept by Nora Roberts
10. “They said he killed his first wife.”
     The Bride by Julie Garwood
11. Come to me.”
      A Dance Through Time by Lynn Kurland
12. “There were pictures in the fire. Dragons.”
     Valley of Silence by Nora Roberts
13. “Fae archers stood at the Sidhe wall and trained their arrows toward the tree line as a slow, unseasonable frost overtook the branches.”
     Left for Dead: A Crimson Moon Novel by L.A. Banks
14. “When the rumbling Cessna heaved into the sky, Kate Jansen completely lost her nerve.”
     The Proper Care and Maintenance of Friendship by Lisa Verge Higgins
15. “As darkness slowly fled from his eyes, the boy woke, his head aching and his body sore, as if he had been beaten.”
    The Lost by Caridad Pineiro
16. “It is always a mistake to underestimate the possibilities of a train compartment.”
    Tears of Pearl by Tasha Alexander


  1. Going North or South? I read when we're driving (yes, even on the Harley, I rest my Kindle against my hubby's back)and at night to relax. I always make sure I have a couple of new books to take along. Have a great vacation!

  2. @J. Coleman

    Actually, we're going North and South. We leave this morning for a day trip (4 hours each way) to Boston. Our son is moving and I have some things for him. Any excuse to see his new place.

    Tuesday we fly South to Myrtle Beach. I'm not up for an 11 hour drive each way. Our older daughter and family took a place for the week and invited us all to join them.

    Our younger daughter and finance are driving down. Our son will fly in. I can't wait to get there.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful vacation, to spend a week with your kids. I have a feeling, though, that reading won't make it to the top of your to do list. Enjoy – the books will be there, unchanged, when you are ready to read them.

  4. Have a great trip!

  5. I am an 'in-betweener' and just came back from my parent's home in Florida with my hubby and 26 yr old son. They are in their 80's and we helped around their house, but found a few minutes to visit the ocean and take an eldery aunt to lunch.I brought edits to work on, my choice.

  6. Excellent choices. I once looked at first lines as an excercise in how to begin a book. I believe it's beneficial to authors to study the work of successful writers. Thanks and have a good vacation.

  7. Ruth:

    Enjoy your vacation. I'm on Amtrak heading to Niagara Falls. The last time I was there, it was unheard of to send messages from a Blackberry to a blog on the Internet.

    What am I going to do while I'm on vacation? When I'm not taking pictures, I'm going to write.


  8. Sounds like a great vacation. Makes me want one. And just seeing the opening lines is very interesting.

  9. Have a wonderful time, Ruth. My laptop goes with me everywhere–my vacation time (no matter where) is quiet time w/anything writing-related while everyone else sleeps late. And with my son's I-phone, I now have 'wireless' as long as his battery is charged.

    Several years ago we went to Cancun. Since I felt uncomfortable taking my laptop when I knew we'd be out of the hotel more than in, I printed my wip at the time and did a pencil edit on the flights and poolside.

    I'm impressed w/J. Coleman being able to read her Kindle while on the back of hubby's motorcycle. I'd wind up losing the e-reader somewhere on a major roadway for sure! (But I love traveling with my Nook and catching up w/all my downloads, lol.)

    Joanna Aislinn
    Dream. Believe. Strive. Achieve!
    The Wild Rose Press

  10. @J. COleman, @Christina Wolfer, @ Nancy Lee Badger, @ Vivian Davis, @Keena Kincaid, @Ursula Shand, @Caroline Clemmson, @Joanna Aislinn

    Hi – I prefer answering you each individually but I'm a bit behind. We made a day trip up to Boston (it's 3.5 hours away) to help our DS move.

    I think a testament to writers is we natch up opportunities to read and/or write any place we can. Yesterday in the middle of hauling and cleaning I did some research with my son's friends for a man's view of a situation. They were eager to participate.

    I'm glad you like the opening lines. Next time I'll pick another genre. It would be interesting to compare opening lines from mysteries and adventure stories to romances.

    Have a great week.

    … Ruth

  11. I try to read when on vacation but it doesn't always work out that way. I love exploring to much I guess. Have a great time!

  12. @Calisa Rhose

    I tried to write today while I was on the beach. I got a few paragraphs done then started to dig in the sand with the kids. Oh well, maybe tonight.


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